This is an area where the subject of abuse is rarely discussed, this abuse is more about children being exposed to diets from parents who may not be aware,or just don't care.
Some children are constanly being fed foods that are not healthy, and when we say healthy we are only talking about more fruits and vegetables, some children who are more inclined to gain weight, catch more colds, if they are not given the option of eating less processed meats, fried chicken,french fries, chips, sodas, turkey, boiled or baked, fish boiled or baked, chicken boiled or baked.
Another aspect of dietary abuse is what we call "Dietary Infidelety" this when a husband, chooses to have fast food on a dinner day at home, a day where his wife goes to the trouble of goiing shopping in long lines at the store comes home prepare a meal for the family, but the husband leaves going to the store to pick up something, but he really has a taste for chilly cheese hamburger, with jumbo fries and a coke , after his eat out he returns home reeking of a chili odor and or onions, his wife already smells it, and he pretends he is hungry, even though he just ate enough for two people, he eats again with some GUILT, this time, and does ik fsct over eat again, creating havoc on his body which is a result of him being 60 lbs overweight. We can equate this behavior with going outside of the home to satisfy his own personal desires?
It doesn't have to be aways physical, it can be emotional?, Are you just looking for a female friend? You say your wife is not mentally stimulating? It all comes down to you trying to fill a void within yourself, which can never be filled by someone or something, it must come from within..